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Summer of '16: Dinero's Dilemma Page 3

  “That bitch keeps giving me the eye like she wants this fresh out of jail dick,” Keith told Dinero.

  Dinero looked over and saw the woman dancing seductively while giving Keith a lustful stare. “You better get on that shit.”

  Keith stood and straightened out his shirt. “You already know I'm on it,” he responded and walked over to the woman.

  “I know Aimee ain't let your ass out of the house tonight,” Dinero teased Big, who was seated next to him.

  Big gave him a knowing look. “Fuck outta here. You know I run shit.”

  “I'm just fuckin’ with you. Bro, I'm over here struggling, hoping that I don’t fall into some random pussy tonight,” Dinero said as he shook his head.

  Big laughed. “That shit hard ain't it? That married life ain't no joke.”

  Dinero chuckled because he didn’t think it would be this hard not to cheat. “I don’t even know what I got myself into.”

  “Aye, bro, look who it is,” Kiyan said pointing in the crowd.

  Dinero followed his gaze and couldn’t believe his sight. For years, he wondered where she had vanished to and couldn’t believe she was right before his eyes. Dinero’s ex-girlfriend Cadence stood by the bar waving at him. Instantly, a feeling of lust and anger took over his body. Dinero hadn't seen her in years, and he couldn’t deny that she still looked good. Cadence stood at five foot six with cocoa colored skin. Her hair was styled in a shoulder length blunt cut. Cadence had a body that society would consider plus sized but to the urban world, she was just thick. She had an endless supply of breasts, hips and ass. Her stomach wasn’t the flattest, but it wasn’t sloppy either. Dinero’s heartbeat quickened as Cadence slowly made her way over to him.

  “Hey Dinero,” she nervously greeted him.

  Dinero stood to his feet and gave her a hug. “Damn girl, I ain't seen you in years. Where you been?”

  Cadence and Dinero had dated in high school. She was his first love, and they were damn near inseparable. It wasn’t until senior year that Cadence just disappeared without a trace. Dinero was crushed and had worked relentlessly to find her. After months of searching for her, he gave up on her as well as love. It wasn’t until he met Asia where he decided to somewhat let his guard down.

  “I've been around, but you look good,” Cadence said quickly changing the subject. “Hey y’all,” she greeted Keece, Kiyan, and Big.

  They all returned the gesture and watched the reunion that stood before them.

  “You’ve been around, huh? You couldn’t call or send a damn kite with a postcard? Shit, you could’ve sent a fuckin’ telegram,” Dinero spat, unable to hide his ill feelings about her departure.

  “I know it was messed up how I left, but it’s complicated. I can’t explain it here,” she said as she looked down.

  “Yeah aight,” Dinero said not pleased with her explanation.

  “How about I explain it over lunch?”

  Dinero shook his head. “Nah, I'm good.”

  Cadence raised her brow wondering why he shot her down so quickly. “Why not?”

  “Because I can’t.”

  “You can’t? Are you with someone?” Cadence questioned hoping that he wasn’t.

  “Yeah, I am,” Dinero replied looking her directly in the eyes.

  Cadence nodded quietly. “Well can I at least get your number?” she asked hoping he would agree to it.

  Dinero looked out into the crowd wondering if he should give Cadence his number. A part of him wanted to know the reason for her disappearance, but then a part of him knew that this encounter could possibly turn into something messy down the line. After thinking about it for another minute or so, he pulled out his phone.

  “Here; put your number in my phone,” he requested.

  Cadence grabbed the phone from him and punched in her number. She made sure to call her number from his phone so she could have his number.

  “Is there a certain time I should call you?” she asked as she handed him back his phone.

  “Nah, I’ll text you.”

  “Okay. Well, I look forward to hearing from you,” she said as she gave him another hug.

  Dinero watched her walk off and then went back to his seat next to Big and Kiyan.

  “Asia gon’ fuck you and her ass up,” Kiyan warned.

  “Man, I'm not trying to fuck with her like that. I just wanna know where the fuck she disappeared to,” Dinero explained.

  “Why should you care? I don’t trust that bitch,” Keece scoffed.

  “Yeah bro, leave that bitch alone ‘cause if you fuck up with Asia, that means I gotta deal with Aimee’s ass,” Big added.

  Kiyan laughed. “I forgot y’all niggas dealing with twins and shit.”

  “Man that shit damn near a package deal,” Big said and laughed.

  “Hell yeah,” Dinero added.

  For the remainder of the night, Dinero tried to enjoy his time out with the crew, but Cadence had crept inside of his mind. Dinero couldn’t deny that seeing her had brought back old feelings that he’d tried to bury long ago. He knew what his brothers were saying was true, but he had to know why she left him. He figured he would listen to Cadence’s reasoning and then write her off.

  Chapter Five

  Cadence sat in her bedroom and stared at Dinero’s number. She toyed with the idea of calling him, but he had instructed her that he would text her. It had been four days since Cadence had seen Dinero and she was desperate to converse with him. She was shocked when she spotted him at the club with his brothers. Every feeling that Cadence held for Dinero seemed to blossom once she laid eyes on him. He was still the same fine ass man she’d remembered, and she hated when she was forced to leave him.

  Cadence’s mother Carlotta had gotten into some trouble with her ex and was forced to move out of state. She had set him up to be robbed and got caught. When her ex learned of her role in the setup, he threatened to kill Carlotta. When she got the word that she had gotten exposed, Carlotta packed up with Cadence and left town. She fled to the small town of Biloxi, Mississippi and started a new life.

  Cadence had cried the entire time during the car ride to Mississippi because she was leaving her first love. She begged her mother to let her call Dinero, but she insisted that they lose all contact with anyone in Milwaukee. Once they settled in Biloxi, Cadence had a hard time adjusting to her new life and even fell into a deep depression. She hated that her mother had put her into such a fucked up predicament. There were times where Cadence would dial Dinero’s number but never had the courage to press send. Besides, she didn’t want Carlotta chewing her head off.

  Cadence always had this dream that she and Dinero would reconnect, and they would get back to the place of where they were before she left. But when he revealed that he was in a relationship that night at the club, it crushed her. She knew a man like him wouldn’t be single for long, and it pained her to know that he was giving away all the love she should’ve been given to someone else.

  Although ten years had passed, Cadence still loved Dinero with every fiber of her being. She’d tried numerous times to get over him, but the task had proven to be a difficult one. When Carlotta found out that her ex had died of an armed robbery gone badly, she wasted no time coming back to Milwaukee. Cadence was excited at the thought of moving back to her hometown, but now that her dream had been crushed, her elation had fizzled away. Cadence got up and walked to the kitchen where she was greeted by her mother and Aunt Cherry. Cigarette smoke lingered in the air as Jack Daniel bottles decorated the table.

  “What's wrong with your face?” Carlotta asked noticing Cadence’s gloomy mug.

  Cadence shrugged and then opened the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water. She walked back over to the table and took a seat.

  “I saw him last night,” she revealed.

  “Who?” Carlotta questioned.

  “Yeah girl, you got to use names around here,” Cherry added taking a pull from her cigarette.


bsp; “So did you get the number?” her mother asked eagerly.

  “Yeah I did,” Cadence answered and then took a sip of water. “But he told me that he’s with someone.”

  Carlotta sucked her teeth. “Okay and?”

  “Right! That shit ain't never stopped me and your mama,” Cherry commented.

  “But I'm not like y’all. I can’t mess with someone who’s involved with someone else,” Cadence explained.

  “Well, you better get like me plus you're not in it for love. That lil’ dude is paid, and you need to get some of that pie,” Carlotta told her as she pointed the cigarette in her face.

  “Mama, you know how I feel about him,” Cadence reasoned.

  “Girl, fuck love. It’s all about that paper,” Cherry spat.

  Carlotta shook her head and then turned to Cherry. “I always said that I didn’t know where my child came from. She is such a sucka.”

  Cadence released a sigh, not amused by her mother and aunt’s antics. This was the very reason why she never opened up to her mom.

  “Listen to me, baby. You need to move his girlfriend out of the way and get on the money train. We can come up for real.”

  “Ma, is that all you think about is money?” Cadence asked as she rolled her eyes.

  “Hell yeah. Shit, that’s what makes the world go ‘round. You better get your mind on the prize and off of that fairytale bullshit,” Carlotta snapped.

  “Okay, fucking with a DeMao is a very lucrative move. I always wanted to give Dom’s sexy ass some pussy,” Cherry announced and then licked her lips.

  “Yes, girl, with his fine ass. Shit, Cadence try to get his daddy’s number for me,” Carlotta joked.

  Cadence shook her head hating that she’d even opened her mouth about her encounter with Dinero. All her mom thought about was a come up, and Cadence couldn’t stand it.

  “Look, your Mama is about to give you the game to get your man back and come up off a coin. Get your notepad ready.”

  Cadence rolled her eyes and listened to her mom and aunt rattle off on ways to get Dinero to leave his lady and come to her. Cadence acted as though she was listening, but the only thing on her mind was hoping that Dinero had texted so she could talk to him and hear his voice.


  Jhene’s Aiko “Living Room Flow” blared through the speakers as Dinero grinded into Asia. The couple had just moved into their new home and decided to bless their bedroom with a steamy sex session. Dinero bit his lip as he pounded into her pussy from the back. This was the first time Dinero felt her walls without a condom, and he couldn’t take the feeling. His body was becoming weaker with each stroke. Asia’s honey pot was juicy as her fluids coated his dick.

  “This dick feels so good,” Asia moaned as she gripped the sheets.

  Dinero smacked her ass hard trying his best not to cum.

  “Go deeper,” she requested.

  Dinero did as he was instructed but stopped abruptly when he felt himself about to nut. Asia breathlessly looked back at him wondering why he was stopping.

  “Why did you stop? I was about to cum,” she said.

  “You're about to make me nut. I want it to last longer,” he replied slowly digging back into her guts.

  Without saying a word, Asia jumped back into her sexually induced haze. Dinero was attacking her G-spot with force, and she could feel her muscles start to contract. Suddenly, Dinero stopped again making Asia become upset.

  “What the fuck? Quit stopping,” she snapped.

  Dinero laughed at her instant attitude. He knew she had good pussy, but now that he was able to experience it without a rubber, Dinero felt like he was being put under a spell.

  “Aight, I won’t stop anymore.”

  Asia ignored his promise and began to throw it back on his manhood. She was determined to get an orgasm one way or another. Dinero didn’t like that she was trying to outdo him, so he grabbed her waist and began to smack into her walls. After minutes of toe-curling strokes, Dinero and Asia climaxed together.

  “You were pissing me off. We’re going back to wearing condoms,” Asia threatened as she got out of the bed.

  Dinero laid down and watched her walk to the dresser. “No, we ain't. I got to get used to that bomb ass pussy of yours. I ain't never felt it raw so shut your crybaby ass up,” he said laughing.

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever. If you can’t handle it, just let me know so I can find somebody else for the job.”

  Dinero glared at her and then threw a pillow at her head. “Aye, stop playing with me before I beat your ass.”

  Asia laughed all the way to the bathroom and shut the door. Dinero hated when she made jokes like that because he had become extremely jealous over her.

  He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and began to check his text messages. Dinero then went to his contacts and looked at Cadence’s number. He hadn't contacted her once since he saw her at the club, and was really conflicted on if he should even hear her out. Keece was right when he asked him why he should care, but there was still a part of Dinero that really wanted to know why she left the way that she did. So he sent her a text.

  Dinero: What's up, Cadence?

  She responded right away.

  Cadence: Hey! I've been waiting for you to reach out to me.

  Dinero: Oh yeah?

  Cadence: Yes I have. Can we meet somewhere?

  Dinero: Where?

  Cadence: IDK. You pick a place.

  Dinero: Aight I’ll let you know when I get dressed.

  Cadence: Ok.

  Dinero could hear the shower water turn off, so he hurried and locked his phone. He didn’t want to risk Asia catching him texting another woman. Five minutes later, Asia came out wrapped in a towel with a shower cap on.

  “Where you going?” he asked.

  “Oh, I meant to tell you that I got booked to shoot for an artist. She’s signed to the rapper, Fabian’s label,” she said excitedly.

  “Word?” Dinero asked and then got up and walked over to her. “How did you get booked?”

  “His brother, Braylon, was the one that actually called. I think somebody that I shot in the past referred me to him.”

  Dinero nodded. “That’s good. Tell my niggas I said what's up.”

  “You know them?” Asia asked surprised.

  “Yeah, we all grew up together.”

  Asia hit his arm. “Boy, why didn’t you tell me? Fabian is one of my favorite rappers.”

  “Because you didn’t need to know. Aye, don’t be at that photo shoot acting like a fuckin’ groupie either. And this outfit,” he grabbed it, “You don’t need to be wearing a damn dress to take pictures.”

  “Really Dinero?”

  “Yeah really. Pick something else to wear.”

  She waved her hand dismissively and went back to getting dressed. When Asia reached for her deodorant, Dinero noticed that her ring wasn’t on her finger. He grabbed her hand and held it up to her face.

  “Why you not wearing your ring?”

  “I took it off.”


  Asia gave him a knowing look. “Because you’re not wearing one. I'm not about to be reppin’ you when you're not doing the same for me?” she snapped.

  “Me wearing my ring ain't got shit to do with you. Put that fuckin’ ring back on,” he demanded.

  “Nope! When you wear yours then I’ll wear mine.”

  “So you serious right now?” Dinero asked, annoyed by her answer.

  Asia crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, I'm serious. You think you can do what you wanna do and expect me to play by your rules. We’ve been married for almost a month, and you still have yet to wear a fucking ring. So no, I'm not wearing mine until you wear yours.”

  “You know what?” Dinero said and then nodded his head. “I was trying to surprise you with custom rings, but you just fucked that all up! I ain't giving you shit!” he barked and then walked toward the bathroom.

  Asia stood with her mouth
wide open. She had no idea that Dinero was trying to surprise her with custom made rings. Instantly, she felt a wave of guilt.

  “Dinero I didn’t know. I'm sor—”

  “Nah, leave me alone. I don’t care if you wear a ring no more. You’ll be lucky to get a fuckin’ rubber band out of me now,” he hissed and then slammed the door.

  Asia rolled her eyes becoming irritated by his fucked up attitude. Yes, she was wrong for going off without knowing the real reason why he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. But he didn’t have to snap at her the way that he did. Asia reluctantly got dressed and prepared for her photo shoot. She hated that she had to work with their argument on her mind.

  Chapter Six

  Asia had just set up her studio lights for her photo session at a warehouse in downtown Milwaukee. She had already met the makeup artist, the singer, as well as the stylist, who happened to be Braylon’s wife, Kellan. Kellan was very welcoming and down to earth, and Asia couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty as well as her small baby bump. Kellan was four months pregnant with her and Braylon’s first child. Seeing Kellan pregnant made Asia think about if she and Dinero would ever have a baby together. Yes, they were married, but she knew that they were nowhere near ready to be parents.

  Asia’s argument with Dinero was still plaguing her mind. She felt incredibly bad for spazzing out on him earlier. She assumed that he was trying to be slick and get away with not wearing a ring. Asia had no idea that Dinero was trying to be sweet to her, and she hated that she’d ruined his surprise. She took out her phone and decided to text him.

  Asia: You still mad at me?

  Minutes later he responded.

  Dinero: Get off of my line.

  Asia rolled her eyes not surprised at his slick remark. She decided to send him a picture of her ring on her finger hoping that his attitude would subside. When he responded with sleeping emojis, she sucked her teeth and gave up.

  Asia walked back over to Kellan and sparked up a conversation when two men walked in. Asia couldn’t peel her eyes away from the scene if she wanted to. They were both tall and extremely handsome. One guy walked over to Kellan and kissed her on the forehead. Asia figured that he had to be Braylon.